shipping worldwide since 33 years

perfectly matching similarity!

from eye pupil
to shoes
goes on
in precision!
the similarity of
shape of body form
is as important as
the similarity
of face.

identical of the image by cnc technology

Artwork of characterModelled construction
CNC construction of characterMascot of character

this similarity would be easier if the head was fiber!

What if the had was fiber?
Then let alone your animator dancing, running, would focus just to keep his nose up full attention
Fiber is a heavy, hard and fragile material. it is also harmful to health, uncomfortable.
this perfect similarity to artwork, gains a great advantage with this ultra light material.
Exactness in details provides exactness in whole!
Similarity just in main form is not sufficient.
Perfect similarity between artwork and mascot means perfect similarity from teeth to all details.

both it is huge and light weight as a bird!

they both smile the mascot and animator!

jvind head size=10 kid heads
Above mascot head is one of the biggest in size. Considering additional two ears, we can say that animator carries three huge heads in weight indeed. In spite of that you will notice how easy he moves, runs, dances when you watch the video.

The reason of this advantage is ultra light material we use in production. Moreover, we provide extra lightness by a process eliminating all unnecessary material inside.

Light weight head is crucial for joyful, cheerful, dynamic performances on field.

impact of a huge one incomparable!

To catch sight fast in open fields!
The reason why mascot heads are preferred huge is they catch sight in broad field, from long distances, creating great impact. Having huge heads is not an issue any more by this revolutionary ultra light weight production method.

technology is prerequisite of creating a distinction!

our profit returns back to our investment!

2 CNC Machinery
3D printer
Vacuum press machine
Print and cut system
Adaptation machine
2 foam casting system
Inhouse production, having all equipment and machines available means;

If there's a flaw i can easily reproduce. i decrease the costs of every individual item, i do not have to wait or be dependable on outsoucing producers, i produce in much shorter time, I have an overall control on my production line, i do not lose time.

all machinery in our production line are also manufactured here!

besides that fifteen years! “Really !” As if we hear your saying. But that's the truth ! The most precious cnc, vacuum and 3D printer machinery equipments in our prodution line has been designed and produced by Ozan Kotoğlu and his talented team. Here is Ozan Kotoğlu, our production manager. on right hand side our first CNC machine, on the left below vacuum press machine he produced six years ago.

top quality mascots can be produced by support of top quallity tech!

High technology is a must we can not give up for unique charming smiles
Much more ergonomic body design
and high quality mascots !

eye contact with the consumer!

eyes ! communication center of mascot!

impact of the look!
is one of the most effective issue in communication. Even in our life it is a fact, it is the same for a character having all attracted attention of audience! Consumers look at it's face first, and especially to eyes.
Dull, faded, fake eyes has no impact on memories! And the ones so glaring, bright ones are never forgotten!

to retain glaring looks in memories !

Three days for just a couple eyes!
We spend three days to produce eyes. Because epoxy resin is a chemical that takes so much time. It has three layers giving the depth in look. But it's literally worth of this intricate work!

teeth to teeth!

a great effort for a small teeth.

First model is constructed for 3D teeth.
Second step is shaping a hard mould of this model on CNC .
The mould is cleaned up.
used in vacuum press operation to get a plastic product of this shape
cutting out and adoptation phase follows !
Teeth of a mascot takes almost two days to finish, but the bright result deserves every hour of it.

teeth brands the quality of your brand!


time to make up and delicacy!

To dazzle !
There are rights and wrongs in mascot production. But dazzling is not because of only mastery of a well produced mascot, moreover requires an artistic vision and touch. Therefore we consider a creative mascot producer as an artist too.

soft transitions in artistic coloring.

is crucial!

Elegancy of the whole
is determined by details!

elegant design of eye lashes for an impressive look!

Laser cut
As we have nothing standardized, we stick the design of eye lashes as essential complimentary part of looks
sharpness, twist of lashes, angles are important.

we have that sharp eye!

momy, that mascot winked at me!

Engineering and team work
It creates great impact makes a mascot character alive moving eyes side ways, blinking eye lids, waving tail or ears, lifting eye brows.
Thisi is the most special, time consuming part that requires the greatest effort.
it is precisely designed to fit inside of the head. all parts of this delicate electro mechanical instrument are elaborately designed and simulated on computer before it is produced, tested and assambled. each mechanism has to be designed and adopted individually to fit each different character head design.

performance depends on comfort!

As character mascots are widespread all over the world, a high performance is expected as well.
they attract as attention of audience as they stay on the field, retain impact in memories. These mascot characters of ours are in competition with each other, on the stage, rocking and rolling, runnign and sporting.
to provid this dynamism mascots must have the right combination of materials and production technics.
An ultra light head, aergonomic body, flexible, durable shoes, and a broad sight of vision is a must!

preparing them to the field is also our business!

3 of the most important issues!
1. sight of vision
2. eargonomic body
3. comfortable shoes

shoes are doping of a mascot costume!

special design shoes to each mascot!

Nothing is by heart, no standard moulds!
As each character has a unique visage, they have unique feet or shoes too.
We design them on computer and produce on CNC top to bottom.

light weight like a bird, flexible as well!

and it wraps the foot!
Because we ask the shoe size of animators and produce that perfectly fits their foot.

Now ! who cares the difficulties on field!


character comes first!

one that will represent the brand!

You are in search of a brand new character.
one thet can represent your brand, maybe a group of products, or maybe your service.
You are not certain about whether it should be an animal, or a human or a fantastic being.

Then, it is a good idea to consider qualifications of your brand.
Upon getting a brief from you, we build a proposal inspecting characteristics of the brand.
Muflon on the image, is a character we designed for Lefke European University.
They use their character much more than they expected because they get a comfort and functionality beyond their expectation.

There are certain issues in production of a mascot costume.
  • Uniqueness (remainding no other one)
  • Stick in the mind (increase brand awareness)
  • Distinctivity (bearing details that will catch eyes in crowd)
  • Effectiveness (whatever the mission is)
We highly recommend you paying attention to these issues, whether you prefer us or a free lance artist in character design process.
Since a long time, international world wide brands highly considers these issues in character design to properly adopt to mascot production to gain dynamic performance on fields.

phases of character design

İstanbul Akvaryum Pinguin character
  • we start the sketching assigning the artist who is experienced on the style and content of your concept.
  • Have a preliminary election of rough majority present you the strong alternatives.
  • upon getting your preferences and comments apply revisions
  • coloring costume and accessories down to the bits of details present you the final artwork.
  • Upon your approval we start the production of mascot costume.
Balıkesir Basketbol Spor Klübü (Balki)
French snowman

if the crew is tough, the ship challenges to storms!

Beyond technology, art, competition...  the essence of success is human! all the rest gains a meaning with human, passion.
we first believed in us, each other as a crew. and believed in our customers. in expectation of quality of brands! where there is human in both sides!
and there is human spirit of collective work!
;distinctive characteristic of our partnership is matching harmony of fields that seems irrelevant like character design, animation, costume and stage installation, advertisement, corporate identity management, screen writing, industrial design.! 
We know the value of brand, guide our customers along way the procedure, who also values theri character and brand. 
Bosphorus University Computer.... Phsics ! 
Coding programs, traditional cell animation, screen writer for commercials, head of promotional dept of a national channel... 
And then “not satisfied at all, i write the scenario of my own adventure” Stubburnness to make mascot creation take place in Turkey!
A constant passion on discovery, questioning, research, collecting, sharing and producing... Never losing time for anything he dislikes, and strong determination on never giving up what he loves. And a peculiar characteristic of getting fun, enjoling whatever he does in any condition...
Founder of Maskot company, our CEO, and my lovely only brother!
Graduated from Mimar Sinan University Fine Arts Faculty Stage and Visual Department. 
10 years screen writing for commercial films, 7 years creative director of an advertisement agency, 
8 years scenario writing for TV serials, 9 books published for kids and teenagers...
carrying on art works as an illustrator for her books and various other professional projects. And finding herself in entertaining business of mascot productin in Maskot !
The leading part in carrying out whole process from promotion to design, marketing to production by chattering!
Intrudor into anything in Maskot!
Production Manager
Graduated from Industrial Design Department of Mimar Sinan University Fine Arts Faculty. 
While he has been involved in a team designing and producing military drones he has found himsels in mascot production business. He not only has a dazzling talent in high tech design but also an incredable potential to transform these projects into perfectly working machines in real life. He is more than a mere industrial designer or engineer he is also a crazy dreamer with his bizzare proposals as solutions to problems. We owe to his talent line of all electro mechanical devices in our factory including Cnc Machine, vacuum press machine, 3D printer, foam casting system, laser cut system and many more. He knows everything except the money in his pocket. He has tolerance to anything but can be easily driven mad by lack of information and intelligence below average. It has never been possible to make him produce anything twice. that makes him change from Dr Jakyll to Mr Hyde. . 
Crazy inventor of Maskot !

first comes character!

our utmost priority is not materials, neither summit, not success. 
Our motto ‘first comes character’, not only for mascot production, 
it is a reference for our basic point of view in life. 
Our crew is deeply aware of that; what they produce is not a toy, representative of a brand. 
what they craft is not an eye, but a look that will take place in a kids memories. 
not mouth or lips, but a smile and expression. 
every detail is articulated with great care, elaborated with that feeling. 
to focus and love what you do is inseparable part of having a strong character . 
Being part of the same team, we share this feeling mutually.
Second Manager
Team Leader
3D Artist, Model, Graphics Designer
Technology And Machinery Practice Manager
Creative Director Assistant
Artistic Mascot Craftsman
CNC specialist Operator
Tailoring specialist
Artistic Mascot Craftsman
Artistic Mascot Craftsman
Artistic Mascot Craftsman
Quest Service Manager
we work hard like a bee, dance like a cicada!

aspire for more and more!

a month time intensity for just a wing!

we beholden solutions to problems!

Here methods never standardized!
Constantly a method, an instrumend is thrown away.
because we would have created a brand new solutiion.
one of the reasons of our success is to be merciless on our efforts.
Never say impossible instantly, try to find out a way to achieve the impossible.
Constantly keep our efforts to get much practical, trouble free on field, more impressive and light weight.

shoe is a perfect result of our R&D!

now the shoes
both light weight
and much more flexible
also produced any size.

Nonstop R&D on every issue!

we keep constantly developing our production from stretched mobility to new textures, from practice of use to ultra lightness of heads.

Why do we order our mascots to Turkey, Peter ?

Because we ask for the heighest quality George!

and we seek for the most comfortable one!
and also the most economic way !
and produced the fastest way !
and all of them are in only here !
only in Maskot!

Distance has no importance when it is a matter of quality!

along the production
with our customers
visual and approved cycle of communication!
and punctually on time, at the right point!